The Green Team’s trip to Kure Beach was very rewarding. We arrived Friday afternoon for a backstage tour of the N.C. Aquarium. Matt a Marine Biologist who had recently graduated from UNC Wilmington gave us our tour. He reviewed the effects of farming and the raising of livestock on our ecosystem up to the best place to buy seafood on Pleasure Island. Ask any of those who made the trip why oyster beds are so vital to our ecosystem. What they can do in 24 hours is amazing!
Prior to dinner we checked into our hotel, the Beach House Inn. We were very pleased with our ocean front accommodations that met our budget and the Quinnlyn, Yesenia seal of approval for cleanliness. We choose El Zarape for dinner, good food, right price and thanks to Immie good background music.
Saturday morning we headed to the end of the island for trash pickup. We saw a great deal of trash at the mouth of the Cape Fear River and the Atlantic Ocean. The usual culprits, beer cans and plastic bottles. We were surprised about the amount of Styrofoam trays. Evidently fisherman use packs of chicken parts for bait and have no qualms about leaving the tray behind.
We spent the afternoon at a not-for-profit business festival, some sightseeing in downtown Wilmington and walking on the beach.
We had dinner Saturday evening at Tangerine's a Caribbean style Restaurant and it was awesome. My sister and her husband joined the team for dinner. The food was very good and everyone enjoyed sharing our many exploits from the previous 24 hours.
Thanks to Mary Grace Miller for co-chaperoning and special thanks to the entire Green Team! It is a pleasure and inspiration to work with such great students.I especially appreciate everyone’s response when I fell (pushed by Lucy) into the mouth of the alligator! I would have not recovered without your support.