Monday, April 6, 2009

Falling Into Place

Have you ever felt that things are finally falling into place? I am feeling that way today. Over the last two semesters at Peace College many positive accomplishments have occurred due to the combined efforts of several individuals and departments. Each has played positive a role in educating and inspiring the campus community to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Some Noted Individuals and Groups
- Lauren Gerber in the Development office was instrumental in Peace College winning a grant from Coke for 60 recycle containers.
- Melanie Bissinger with Aramark provided alternatives to Styrofoam to-go trays.
- Jessica Baxter our Vista Representative recruited, encouraged and inspired our Green Team to action.
- Our Green Team led by Imogene Miles is passionate about changing the way we think about waste and has motivated others to join her campaign.
- Our Administration has recognized and supported the efforts of the Green Team, including the trash audit and the Green March on Peace.
- Our Faculty continues to include sustainability in curricular. I have been approached by students from Art, Biology and English creating projects related to sustainability.
- Housekeeping and Grounds Keeping energetically embraced all of our sustainability efforts. Including the rethinking of traditional cleaning and the conversion to green cleaning.
- The Campus Community has warmly embraced our somewhat unorthodox methods of educating, informing and inspiring everyone to reduce, reuse and recycle.

- Installed low flow shower heads and sink aerators and energy star compliant washing machines. Estimated savings of 760,000 gallons per school year. Reduced our water and sewer rate by an estimated $4,752 per school year.
- Replaced 400 incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs. EPA estimates a savings of $63 in energy costs over the life of each bulb. That is a savings of over $25,000 in energy costs, $18,000 in labor costs and we throw away one bulb versus 10.
- Replaced older washers and dryers with Energy Star rated washer and dryers that use 67% less water, 50% less energy, and 75% less detergent
- We have converted from traditional cleaning materials to Green Seal certified products. Switching to green cleaners can significantly improve indoor air quality; reduce cleaning-related health problems and absenteeism and increases performance of students and staff alike.
- Our Student led Green Team performed a trash audit that was informative and inspired many within the campus community to recycle. As a result the event was featured on two local news stations and also one in Charlotte.
- Our Student led Green Team has “marched” on campus certifying offices and classrooms that are meeting Green Team sustainability requirements.
- Our Student led Green Team presented at the NC Campus Compact Student Conference on "The Green Revolution: How to Get Your Campus Onboard".
- Helped facilitate Peace going Styrofoam Free
- Participated in RecycleMania in the categories of Waste Minimization and Per Capita Classic. As part of RecycleMania we have noticed significant increases in the amount we are recycling and decrease in our total waste.
- Won a grant from Coke for 60 recycle bins that will be placed throughout campus. We hope to place a recycle container everywhere a trash can is located.
- Created a Green Team Blog ( ) that helps to keep our campus community informed and involved with campus, local and national sustainability related issues.
- Joined the world wide Vote Earth initiative ( )
- Taking an active role in sustainability organizations such as Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE)

We are developing some exciting programs for the fall semester! Follow the blog for additional information.



This blog is the sole creation of Randy Bass and is not supported by Peace College. The comments and opinions are the responsibility of the contributors.