Friday, February 20, 2009

WRAL Article Featuring President Bingham

Our campus community has rallied to finding new ways to innovate and save, with students leading a Green Team to conserve energy and be better stewards of renewable and nonrenewable resources.”

Laura Bingham, President Peace College
From February 17th interview with WRAL

Thanks President Bingham! We are fortunate to have a very active, enthusiastic group of vigilant students who recognize the environmental and economic benefits of reducing, reusing and recycling.

Community Stewardship

I understand the addiction to nicotine. Both my parents died of nicotine related illness. My father died at age 47 and my mother at 73. What I do not understand is why the people addicted to nicotine discard their butts on the ground. About 4.5 trillion cigarette butts are littered worldwide each year—making them the most-littered item. The myth that cigarette filters are biodegradable is just that, a myth. Although the filters do eventually decompose (2 to 5 years), they release harmful chemicals that enter the earth’s land and water during the decaying process. There is nothing earth-friendly about the breakdown.

Now that Peace College is a tobacco free campus, our neighbors are complaining of the unsightly trash that is being left behind by those leaving campus for a quick smoke. Trash left behind that includes items such as cigarette butts, Styrofoam food trays, aluminum cans and water bottles. As a highly visible, well respected institution shouldn’t we set the standard for community stewardship?



This blog is the sole creation of Randy Bass and is not supported by Peace College. The comments and opinions are the responsibility of the contributors.