Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sustainable Campus Committee Mission Statement

"The mission of the Sustainability Committee is to provide a comprehensive strategy for improving our resource management through measures such as recycling, waste stream management, energy conservation, green purchasing, and raising campus awareness on environmental stewardship. "

Over the last few years we have made steady progress towards achieving a sustainable lifestyle at Peace College. We have migrated away from traditional cleaning products and now use green cleaning products from Rochester Midland Corporation. RMC was the first company in the world to receive Green Seal Certification (GS-37) of industrial and institutional cleaning products. Switching to green cleaners can significantly improve indoor air quality; reduce cleaning-related health problems and absenteeism and increases performance of students and staff alike. Green chemicals are safer for the housekeeping staff, everyone that works or visits our campus and the environment. In addition we have made important reductions in water and energy usage. Our reduce, reuse and recycle efforts have reduced our waste stream by nearly 1/3 pound per person and increased our recycling by 41% since 2008.

The Green Team continues to affect behavioral change throughout campus. The food and trash audits and office inspections with pass/fail certificates help to encourage each of us to reduce, reuse and recycle. Click here to view a partial list of our accomplishments.



This blog is the sole creation of Randy Bass and is not supported by Peace College. The comments and opinions are the responsibility of the contributors.