Monday, June 22, 2009

N.C. Law to Ban Plastic Bottles from Landfills

Under a new law that takes effect Oct. 1, North Carolina will be banning all rigid plastic containers from landfills. This includes any bottles with a neck smaller than the container itself.

Every 17.3 seconds, North Carolinians throw away enough plastic bottles to reach the height of the Bank of America Building in Charlotte. Click here to see what happens to plastic when you recycle.

North Carolina is also building the nation’s largest facility to recycle PET bottles, which will able to process 280 million pounds of material per year. One of the primary partners in this venture is carpet manufacturer Shaw Industries Group, LLC, which can turn recycled PET into polyester for use in carpeting.

Clear Path Recycling will construct its facility in Fayetteville, N.C. at the DAK Americas’ Cedar Creek Site. DAK currently operates a PET resin manufacturing facility on-site and has significant infrastructure in place that the new JV will utilize. Approximately 100 new jobs will be created at the facility at the completion of both phases.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Randy! I had not heard about this new law.

Anonymous said...

that is awesome!!! yess!! things are happening! i cant wait for everyone to be back at school to continue on the journey to helping make Peace Green and get involved in all of these wonderful things going on in north carolina!!thank you SO MUCH randy for giving us all of this great information I really appreciate it and know that everyone else does also!


Anonymous said...

Good news! I never understood why anyone would pay $1.59 for a 16oz bottle of tap water. What a waste!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Green Team!

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