Thursday, March 11, 2010

Green Plastics Breakthrough by IBM and Stanford

Think of IBM, and it's most likely that computer hardware or software will come to mind well before the development of new, greener materials. However, IBM has staked out an impressive track record in matters of environmental responsibility and sustainability over the past several years. IBM's latest contribution arrives through a partnership with Stanford University researchers with whom the company has made progress in the development of sustainable, biodegradable plastics.

As described in an article on IBM's Building a Smarter Planet Blog, the collaborative research effort is leading to findings and developments with beneficial implications for improved recycling, pollution reduction, and medicine.

Environmentally sustainable plastics, smarter recycling methods, new ways to deliver medicine – these are all areas that could benefit from recent discoveries in green polymer chemistry by some of our scientists at IBM Research and Stanford University. The discoveries will be published in a paper in the American Chemical Society Journal, Macromolecules, on March 10th. You can find an abstract of the paper now at

IBM, Stanford Unveil Green Chemistry Breakthrough You Tube Video


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